Horizontal screens
ALWECO supplies horizontal screen systems in various designs for maximum energy savings, optimum climate control and seamless greenhouse darkening. We get it done.
Systems are tailored to the type of greenhouse (glass or foil), the crop and the grower's requirements, developed by using the very latest technology for optimal functionality and efficiency. All ALWECO systems, whether push-pull or pull-wire type, are manufactured using profiles and parts developed in-house. For a pull-wire system, we have developed Ultra Lock screen profiles combined with Ultra Delay slip blocks and Ultra Groove tension bushes to ensure that every screen system is perfectly sealed.
The starting point for an optimum climate varies according to season and location, but ALWECO's multiple systems make it easy to respond to this. Balanced humidity and light ingress levels can be achieved using a combination of double or even triple layered screen systems below one another on the same wire frame, or behind one another sliding in the same direction.
The best option for a maximum result is agreed in consultation.